Robyn is an E-RYT with Yoga Alliance Int and an Occupational Therapist (OT Reg MB). She is the co-creator of Sivatantra Yoga and currently runs Yoga teacher trainings and workshops throughout Canada, as well as, travels to First Nations Communities to provide therapy services through the Jordan’s Principle Program.

She also has a private practice, Whole Therapies, where clients can access Yoga Therapy, Sensory Integration and Emotional Processing support and techniques. She is currently a candidate for certification to be a TRE (Tension/Trauma Release Exercise) Provider (August 2020) and has significant professional continuing education in Trauma Informed therapy and intervention. 
Her Yoga teaching is rooted in Trika philosophy of Kashmir Shivaism. Her main teachers have been Shiva Rae of Prana Vinyasa Flow, John Friend and other leaders of Anusara, and most recently Rod Stryker of Para Yoga. 

Her Yoga classes hold depth in sequencing, intentional instruction and philosophy, with subtle guidance in sensory integration and emotional processing. She is passionate about the will of the Yogi, who must commit to showing up wholeheartedly again and again and again; in doing so, the Yogi inspires others to do the same.