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Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
This is a gentle fully body unwinding to help you feel more open and grounded.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body.
Get up and get moving with this lovely class that starts slower to get the body moving first thing in the morning and then gets a bit more active to leave you feeling energized for the day. In this practice we focus on opening up the spine and shoulders.
This practice starts with gentle, active mobilizations of the shoulders & arms, it then winds down into some supported restorative poses
This class focuses on opening the shoulders and upper back
A slow restorative approach to shoulder opening
This practice is a mix of hip and shoulder opening
Connecting to body and breath to be present
This practice uses the wall for some extra shoulder opening
This practice builds to a version of eka pada ardha purvottanasana
This practice focuses on the shoulders, chest and upper back
A great practice to unwind winter shovelling
This practice focuses on some neck and shoulder opening
A little bit of everything with some extra shoulder opening.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the upper body.
In this practice we work to build heat and energy in the body to burn off stagnant energy and that which no longer serves us.
This class focuses more on upper body opening.
This class focuses on shoulder and spine opening through gentle back bends and twists.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body, with a specific focus on shoulder opening.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body, with an emphasis on spine and shoulder opening.
This class we play with shoulder opening and strengthening to explore headstand and anjaneyasana/low lunge variations (reaching back overhead).
This practice focuses on opening the connective tissue line from the palm to the shoulder & neck.
Forearm stand (Pinch Mayurasana)
Practices focuses on opening the front body
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to inspire release in the body, mind, and heart and hold space to witness what is then welcomed into that space created.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to care for and open throughout the neck, shoulders, and spine.
An all levels practice that uses super slow rhythmic movements, long gentle stretching, and a focus on the breath as a means to unwind the body and declutter the mind.
A focus on shoulder and neck.
Gentle hip opening, twists, and forward folds.
Releasing the Neck, Shoulders, and Arms.
A slow and gentle all levels practice focusing on opening and releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, and spine.
A morning flow to open the neck, shoulders, and heart space.
A deep shoulder and neck opening practice to unwind tension from the day before and open up space for the day ahead.