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Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
This practice uses increased awareness of our core to expand into various poses
This practice uses repetitive movement through the poses to increase range of motion. Building strength and elasticity in the tissues.
A nice practice to get your body moving for the week, especially when you're maybe slow or even reluctant to make your way to your mat. Includes headstand and plow pose
This practice uses the more tangible aspects of our experience to connect to the more subtle aspect of prana
This practice reminds us to be present in every moment so we can act from a more conscious place
This practice focuses extra attention on engaging the muscles of the upper back/spine.
This practice focuses on Hasta and Pada bandha
This practice offers a way to approach our asana practice as means to better navigate, handle and enjoy all that life has to offer
This practice helps to open the spine by releasing the hips/legs & shoulder/arms
This practice offers another way to explore bakasana
This practice uses some side body opening to move into camel pose
This practice focus on exploring the simple connection between breath and body to create a means of self reflection
This practice builds to a version of eka pada ardha purvottanasana
A flow style practice with an extra focus on core strength training.
This practice gets you up and moving to start the day
This practice uses the connection to the core muscles as means to stabilize the body in movement
This practice emphasizes the inherent connection of body, breath, mind/feeling, prana, and that which more subtle. To open one aspect of ourselves, can create an opportunity to open to all aspects
Opens and strengthens ankles and groins
This practice explores the sun salutations as a means to get the body moving first thing in the morning and leave you feeling energized for the day.
This practice builds toward Warrior 3 and includes some gentle pranayama.
Exploring how different back bends are the same actions
Primarily standing and balancing poses
This practice focuses on engaging the body to feel stable and free.
King pigeon prep work and variations
Peak poses are side plank and floating dandasana
Lower body opening.
Practice includes handstands and drop backs.
Practice flows through the 7 Sivatantra namaskars.
Focusing on standing and balancing poses.
A quick morning practice to get the body moving.
Builds strength and opening in hips and legs.
A challenging class with a focus on building more strength/endurance in the body and practice as a whole. This practice focusses on the hips and legs.
A challenging class with a focus on building more strength/endurance in the body and practice as a whole. This class focuses on twists, outer hip opening, with a couple arm balances sprinkled into this shorter practice.
A quick hip and leg opening flow to open your body when you’re short on time.
Beginning in a seated meditation, this practice aims to connect you with your breath and then sync your movement with your breath.
An intermediate spine opening vinyasa practice.
A simple mid day flow to unwind your body and clear your mind from the morning — and re-energize and create focus for the afternoon.