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Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
This practice uses passive and active restorative poses to support movement of the fluid body (blood, lymph, interstitial fluid) which nourishes and cleanses our physical tissues.
This practice uses repetitive movement through the poses to increase range of motion. Building strength and elasticity in the tissues.
A nice practice to get your body moving for the week, especially when you're maybe slow or even reluctant to make your way to your mat. Includes headstand and plow pose
This practice uses pranayama and restorative poses/actions to open and expand the rib cage
This practice uses the core muscles as a metaphor to connecting to the core of our unwavering self
This practice reminds us that asana, like any moment, is the power of awareness and action when we are present to it
This practice helps to unwind the hips, low back and legs to help prepare the body to sit, be it prolonged periods at a desk or working on meditation.
This class serves as a reminder that full deep breath can calm and open the body/mind
The class focuses on the entire core to integrate movements in the body
This practice helps unwind and prepare the body for those of us who sit too much at a desk. A great reset
Class focuses on opening the neck and shoulders
A flow style practice with an extra focus on core strength training and hip opening. includes mountain climbers aka Hanuman’s kriya
This practice uses the more tangible aspects of our experience to connect to the more subtle aspect of prana
This practice reminds us to be present in every moment so we can act from a more conscious place
This practice focuses extra attention on engaging the muscles of the upper back/spine.
This practice uses the alignment of the upper back and shoulders to guide the practice.
This practice is a good morning flow with headstand and shoulder stand.
This practice starts with gentle, active mobilizations of the shoulders & arms, it then winds down into some supported restorative poses
This practice uses a chair to help teach some of the actions in Asana
This practices focuses on using the movement of the trunk to support many different poses
This practice focuses on Hasta and Pada bandha
This class focuses on opening the shoulders and upper back
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body
This practice uses the wall to explore the same action in the legs in a few different frames of reference
This is a great class for beginners to connect breath and movement
A slow restorative approach to shoulder opening
This practice focuses on some active ab work to aid in the flow of vinyasa. The active forward contracting action is then balanced by some passive restorative front body opening (gentle back bends)
This practice is a mix of hip and shoulder opening
Connecting to body and breath to be present
This practice focuses on opening the hips and surrounding area
This practice use plank as a way to engage the transverse abdominus
This practice uses the wall to help orient the body, especially the pelvis, in some common standing poses
This practice helps to open the spine by releasing the hips/legs & shoulder/arms
This practice uses some ground work to better understand tree pose & triangle
This practice combines core work with some coordination exercises
This practice offers another way to explore bakasana
This class uses the wall to bring awareness to the actions of some common poses
This practice uses some side body opening to move into camel pose
This practice explores a little bit of everything core and build to a modified dragonfly pose
This practice focus on exploring the simple connection between breath and body to create a means of self reflection
This practice focuses on mobilizing the joints to create an overall space in the body
This practice focuses on how some of the core muscles create other poses, in particular, Triangle, Side Angle and Side plank
This practice gently focuses on building the strength and openness for deeper back bends using a strap, bolster and chair
This practice uses the wall for some extra shoulder opening
This class uses a bolster to focus on some gentle hip extension and internal rotation
This practice serves as a nice reminder to breath slower and deeper. A slow deep breath calms the body/mind even in the intense hustle and bustle of life
This practice aim to support the movement of the subtle fluid body that nourishes & cleanses all of our cells
This practice builds to a version of eka pada ardha purvottanasana
This class looks at the muscular actions required for eka pada bakasana (1 leg crane) so they can be practiced in many different frames of reference /capacity. Over time/practice please add more of exercises and time exploring the peak pose
This practice focuses on the shoulders, chest and upper back
A great practice to unwind winter shovelling
This gentle practice uses a chair to help open the body while exploring various poses
This is a slow moving practice to help remove lethargy in the morning
Please have a bolster, block, blanket & strap (one that does up ideally)
Some hip opening and strengthening.
This practice works to ground and balance the body, includes nadi shodhana
This practice focus on getting the prana flowing to invigorate and energize the body
This practice focuses on some neck and shoulder opening
This practice works to open the body for a seated meditation. The meditation at end of this class could be used at the end of any Asana practice also
This practice focuses on some movement as prep for meditation
A flow style practice with an extra focus on core strength training.
This practice uses the wall to help open the Quadricep muscles
This practice focuses on supporting the natural lumbar curve with some hip and leg opening
This practice gets you up and moving to start the day
This is a great practice for an active beginner to explore some back bend variations
This practice uses the wall for a gentle opening of the body in the morning
This practice uses the connection to the core muscles as means to stabilize the body in movement
A little bit of everything with some extra shoulder opening.
This practice creates opportunity to balance Ida and Pingala nadis exploring the Sushumna (the central channel).
Includes plow pose and shoulder stand
This practice emphasizes the inherent connection of body, breath, mind/feeling, prana, and that which more subtle. To open one aspect of ourselves, can create an opportunity to open to all aspects
This is a gentle practice great for when your body is recovering from a cold or flu.
Opens and strengthens ankles and groins
Hip and leg stretching
This practice builds toward Warrior 3 and includes some gentle pranayama.
This practice practice is not winding down, but winding up for the day and whatever it brings.
Uses wall to align the body
Quadricep opening
A full body stretch to get moving
Hip opening arm balance
This class uses some poses aimed to help unwind some of the long running connective tissue lines/patterns in the body
This practice focuses on getting the body moving when it may be resistant to do so.
This practice uses a bolster to help assist the body in Bow pose.
Exploring how different back bends are the same actions
Primarily twisting poses
This practice focuses on opening the connective tissue line from the palm to the shoulder & neck.
Forearm stand (Pinch Mayurasana)
Class builds to lunging "mermaid" pose and full wheel.
Gentle inversions & backbends
Primarily standing and balancing poses
This class focuses on building a little bit of strength & balance to find more freedom & ease
Core focused work for “floating” in Vinyasa
Using props to open the hamstrings
Extension work for chronic sitting patterns
Exploring the same shape with a wall
This practice focuses on engaging the body to feel stable and free.
Half lotus leg in a forward fold
Explores the actions within the poses
Core focused arm balancing
Gentle movements to erode stiffness in the body
A great practice if your feeling sluggish or its a dreary morning
Builds to a "Dhanurasana" shape in a few frames of reference
This practice helps create more length in the hamstrings
Focuses on squaring and aligning the hips .
Practices focuses on opening the front body
Focuses on drawing our awareness to the core
Standing poses and hip opening
Twisting and pranayama
Encourages movement through the subtle fluid body
King pigeon prep work and variations
Focuses on internal and external rotation at the hip joint
A slow class using the breath to help open the body and still the mind
Bringing harmony to the Vayu’s
Stability and opening for the hips
Peak poses are side plank and floating dandasana
Classes build to some quad opening and handstand prep.
Lower body opening.
A full body opening for the mornings.
A focus on shoulder and neck.
Gentle hip opening, twists, and forward folds.
This restorative class focuses on using the movement of the breath within the propped poses to help unwind and release the many layers of connective tissues that make up the body. As these "in between" tissues find more mobility/motility our bones, muscles, organs, skin, etc are able to work more efficiently and freely.
The second of 2 videos exploring the nuances of the breath.
The first of 2 videos exploring the nuances of the breath.
Practice flows through the 7 Sivatantra namaskars.
Focusing on standing and balancing poses.
A quick morning practice for when you’d rather sleep in.
Releasing the Neck, Shoulders, and Arms.
Low Back Release.