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Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
Practice anytime, anywhere! With hundreds of classes ranging in all levels and styles, your yoga practice has never been more accessible.
This is a gentle fully body unwinding to help you feel more open and grounded.
This practice uses increased awareness of our core to expand into various poses
This practice places extra focus into pada and hasta bandha and builds to dragonfly pose plus a whole lot more
This practice helps to unwind the hips, low back and legs to help prepare the body to sit, be it prolonged periods at a desk or working on meditation.
In this class we work on aligning the pelvis to create optimal openings throughout the legs and spine.
Get up and get moving with this lovely class that starts slower to get the body moving first thing in the morning and then gets a bit more active to leave you feeling energized for the day.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body, with a specific attention to pelvic alignment.
A flow style practice with an extra focus on core strength training and hip opening. includes mountain climbers aka Hanuman’s kriya
This deeply restorative class explores different pranayama and meditation practices in combination with slow gentle movement and passive restorative postures to totally wind the body down. Passive postures are held for extended holds supported by props.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. In this class we explore deepening our awareness beyond the more obvious sensations and listen on a more subtle level.
A challenging class with a focus on building more strength/endurance in the body and practice as a whole. With specific opening/strengthening into the hips and legs, this practice works up to postures such as revolved half moon and Hanumanasana aka the splits.
This practice uses the wall to explore the same action in the legs in a few different frames of reference
This practice is a mix of hip and shoulder opening
Connecting to body and breath to be present
This practice focuses on opening the hips and surrounding area
reclined hero’s variation and herons pose
A great practice to unwind winter shovelling
Some hip opening and strengthening.
This practice works to open the body for a seated meditation. The meditation at end of this class could be used at the end of any Asana practice also
This practice focuses on supporting the natural lumbar curve with some hip and leg opening
This practice emphasizes the inherent connection of body, breath, mind/feeling, prana, and that which more subtle. To open one aspect of ourselves, can create an opportunity to open to all aspects
Opens and strengthens ankles and groins
Hip and leg stretching
This class is the perfect mix of dynamic Vinyasa and Yin poses, finishing in a restorative manner. An amazing class to finish the day with!
This class starts slow, setting a strong foundation in the breath and body, and opening deeply into the hips and heart space as the practice unfolds.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the hips and legs.
This class is the perfect mix of dynamic Vinyasa and Yin poses, finishing in a restorative manner. An amazing class to finish the day with!
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body, with an emphasis on hip opening.
Get up and get moving with this lovely class that starts slower to get the body moving first thing in the morning and then gets a bit more active to leave you feeling energized for the day.
A great class for mornings you are maybe reluctant to get to your mat, but need that burst of energy to get the day going!
Get up and get moving first thing with this lovely class that starts slower to get the body moving first thing in the morning and then gets a bit more active to leave you feeling energized for the day.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body.
This class can stand alone as a practice, or follow up the class Slow Flow - Supta Baddha Konasana I
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout hips and heart space, and closing the practice in a restorative Supta Baddha Konasana (feet together, knees wide).
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the hips.
A slow flow practice with an emphasis on opening throughout the outer hips and glutes, this practice moves through postures such as gomukhasana and pigeon.
A slow flow practice with an emphasis on opening throughout the outer hips and glutes through postures such as gomukhasana and pigeon.
This practice builds toward Warrior 3 and includes some gentle pranayama.
Quadricep opening
Hip opening arm balance
Power flow builds to Dancers pose
Primarily standing and balancing poses
Using props to open the hamstrings
Half lotus leg in a forward fold
Focuses on squaring and aligning the hips .
Practices focuses on opening the front body
Standing poses and hip opening
King pigeon prep work and variations
A challenging class with a focus on building more strength/endurance in the body and practice as a whole, with more of an emphasis on exploring the hips.
This all levels, slow flow practice with an emphasis on hip and leg opening.
Focuses on internal and external rotation at the hip joint
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote hip opening, exploring such postures as lizard lunge and goddess pose (Malasana).
In this class we work to open into the hips, and wake up the side body and spine through fluid flowy movements.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. In this class we focus on opening the back body and softening into the front body for forward folding.
An all levels practice that uses super slow rhythmic movements, long gentle stretching, and a focus on the breath as a means to unwind the body and declutter the mind.
Stability and opening for the hips
Lower body opening.
Gentle hip opening, twists, and forward folds.
Great for those who are stiff, tight and tired in the hips.
This restorative class focuses on using the movement of the breath within the propped poses to help unwind and release the many layers of connective tissues that make up the body. As these "in between" tissues find more mobility/motility our bones, muscles, organs, skin, etc are able to work more efficiently and freely.
Focusing on standing and balancing poses.
Builds strength and opening in hips and legs.
Low Back Release.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the hips and legs, as well as the side body, as prep for Parivrtta Janu Sirsanana and Upavista Konasana.
In this practice we work to unwind what may be stored in our bodies and minds from the days before in order to open up to, and ground into, the day ahead.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. This class opens throughout the hips and legs as prep for Upavista Konasana (Seated Wide Leg Fold).
In this practice we work sync the balance of the breath - the inhale and exhale - to movements of contraction and expansion, in order to open through both active engagement and passive releases. This practice focuses on lower body, hip and leg openings.
In this class we use the wall to support deeper openings and releases in the hips.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the side body and outer hips through twists, side body opening, and pigeon and gomukhasana variations.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. This class dedicates time to opening the legs, hips, and low back.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. This class dedicates time to opening the legs, hips, and low back.
This all levels practice focuses on super slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body. With an emphasis on hip opening and unwinding, this practice is great for slow mornings or to unravel at the end of the day.
Get up and get moving first thing with this lovely class that starts super slow to get the body moving first thing in the morning and then gets a bit more active to leave you feeling energized for the day. In this class, we focus on lower body opening; waking up the legs to step forward into the day :)
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body.
An all levels practice focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching to promote openings throughout the whole body, with a focus on hips and shoulders.
A morning practice to connect you to your core and open your hips.
A morning practice to open the hips in prep for pigeon pose…and the day!
A slow and deep hip opening practice.
A super chill and grounded hip opening practice.
A quick hip and leg opening flow to open your body when you’re short on time.